Do You Serve Only Catholics?
No! We serve people of all faiths. We never ask a person’s religion. We do not require anyone to perform a religious act in order to receive help.
Are You Part of Catholic Charities?
Yes! We are proud to be one of eight organizations within the Catholic Charities of St. Louis federation.
Can I Target My Gift?
Absolutely! You can designate your gift for a certain site or program. Just add a note or send a message with your donation.
Can You Take Furniture or Goods?
Sure! But it may take time to make arrangements, since we don’t have pick-up service. Please call us to discuss your donation.
How Do I Volunteer?
Call us! Volunteers help at all of our sites and services. You can work on a regular schedule, or just one time. Background checks may be needed.
How Can I Get Help?
Contact us! Check the hours and directions at each site. Please know that direct aid is not always available and there may be some eligibility restrictions.