Volunteer with Us!
In any given year, more than 100 people volunteer for St. Francis Community Services. Some give their time every week tutoring children, providing professional services, or answering the phone at an office. Others come just once to help with a special project, like a fundraising event. Last year, volunteers gave more than 8,500 hours of service. Each volunteer is appreciated and essential to our work.
How To Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form on Better Impact. We would be happy to discuss your interests and our opportunities. Although COVID-19 has changed the way our volunteers work with us, there are still opportunities ongoing!
Please know that volunteers who might be in contact with children will be required to undergo a criminal background check and attend a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. The schedule of workshops is available at www.archstl.org.
Visit here to see available volunteer opportunities:
MyImpactPage – Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Louis (betterimpact.com)