Honoring Veterans & Adopting Families

We proudly salute Veterans!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all those who have served, we greatly appreciate your dedication! All vets deserve quality care, including legal representation. If you are a vet in need of legal aid, our Veteran’s Advocacy Program is here to help.

Adopt A Family this Christmas

Our staff have nominated over 230 families and seniors this year who are actively involved in our programs and need the sense of connection and support that you can offer through the Adopt a Family for Christmas program!

This year, we are asking you to purchase gift cards for the family.  If you fill out the registration form, you will receive a description of a local immigrant family in their own (translated) words, sharing about who they are and how this past year has been for them, along with some guidance about what types of gift cards would be most helpful and drop-off instructions for December. We ask that for each adopted family, you purchase at least one gift card per person at a minimum of $25 each and also at least one additional gift card for the family at a minimum of $50 so they can purchase general household items. Please drop off gift cards by December 15th.

To adopt a family, visit sfcsstl.org/adoptafamily/.

We are proud to continually serve the St. Louis community.

Our Vision is to create a world where everyone is valued – creating opportunities, building resiliency, and advocating for justice. Last year we served 2,332 direct clients, with 78% living below the poverty line upon entering our programs. For more information on our programs, visit sfcsst.org.