Planning your own fundraising event to benefit St. Francis Community Services can be fun! The possibilities are endless. Consider what you and your friends like to do; be creative. Here are a few ideas to help get you started:
Invite your friends over to your home for appetizers or desserts, to learn about the work of SFCS and ways we can volunteer or donate.
Trivia nights and game nights can be structured to raise funds for SFCS, even if they are held in your home with your circle of friends.
Ask your favorite local restaurant or bar to donate a % of their proceeds for an evening.
Organize a pancake breakfast in your home.
Host a miniature golf benefit tournament at a local “putt-putt” facility.
Pledge your birthday or anniversary in benefit of SFCS. Ask your friends to make a gift to SFCS instead of to you, and speak on our work and mission during your celebration.
Do a long distance bike trip or run, and ask your friends pledge donations to SFCS based on the distance you complete. Even better, ask fellow bikers/runners to join you on your trip and gather their own pledges.
Invite your neighbors, friends, or fellow parishioners to participate in a yard sale-in your neighborhood or in your church parking lot-with proceeds going to SFCS.
Do you have friends who play in a band? Organize an informal concert in your home or church hall, giving attendees a chance to talk and mingle with the musicians.
Ask a group of co-workers to help you host a bake sale or chili cook-off over lunch hour to benefit SFCS. Set out information about the organization along with the delicious food or desserts for sale.