“Marty,” an Army Veteran, single mother, and hard worker at a minimum wage job, came to Catholic Legal Assistance Ministries (CLAM) because she was unable to resolve several old traffic tickets due to lack of funds. These had caused her license to be suspended for over ten years, creating great hardship for her and her children.
With help from our attorneys, she was able to present her struggle to the courts. The various courts, upon hearing evidence, decided to assist our client with finding a way to satisfy her obligations to the court that would also allow her to continue supporting her kids and meeting their basic needs. After dealing with each court individually in a series of hearings, our client’s suspension was lifted, her cases closed, and she can drive her kids to school and appointments for the first time.
Additionally, she’ll now be able to seek higher paying employment. She’s a hardworking mom who just needed a little help in the right places. Finally, the future looks bright for her and her family!